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Innovative Interventions and Practices for Suicide Prevention: Spotlight on Kenosha (Wisconsin) Police Department
This comprehensive project focused on strengthening programs that help families support officers in mental or emotional crises or considering suicide. The suite of six publications includes four reports documenting innovative interventions currently being used around the country, one protocol for agencies on how to address an officer suicide, and a resources abstract. This publication, Innovative Interventions and Practices for Suicide Prevention: Spotlight on Kenosha (Wisconsin) Police Department, is a useful tool to study various successful model programs of other agencies and extrapolate applicable strategies, practices, and procedures. One such agency is the Kenosha (Wisconsin) Police Department. This document spotlights their implementation of a broad-based suicide prevention program that encompasses complementary programs of peer support and chaplaincy.By Mary Van HauteCategories: Police OperationsLanguage: EnglishPublic link here to see the entire catalog.
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